This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by ERDF.
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PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC  10 – 11 January 2012
Two day editorial meeting for COBRAMAN took place in Prague Congress Centre in the beginning of January. The main aim of the meeting was devoted to finalizing the final brochure and the Brownfield Management Best Practice guide. First day was devoted to harmonization and determination of the final design and the content of the final brochure and the second day to harmonization and determination of the content of the Brownfield Management Best Practice guide.

OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC  30 November - 1 December 2011
Two days COBRAMAN meeting started 30th of November. First day - WP6 meeting took place in the VSB TU-Ostrava premises. Partners from Poland (University of Bydgoszcz and Bydgoszcz municipality) and partners form Ostrava discussed findings about Evaluation report of European school for brownfield Redevelopment courses as well as post-gradual study and e-learning study form. Afternoon part was intended to set up additional procedures for the successful completion of the project. Meeting was closed with the excursion to COBRAMAN lecture room.
1st of December seminar continued with „Brownfields – Education and Practice“. Main participation from students was expected but there was great interest from teachers from abroad as well and on seminar we hosted almost 200 participants. The key seminar theme was the restoration and reusing brownfields and the presentation of educational programme European Master School for the regeneration of brownfield sites. A series of lectures were led by experienced instructors - academic employees of the Technical University of Ostrava - as well as practice experts.
There was ensured the afternoon excursion to brownfield and National Heritage “Michal Mine” (Ostrava – Michalkovice) for participants, especially for lectors.

VIENNA, AUSTRIA 10 - 12 October 2011
On 10 - 12 October the COBRAMAN technical project meeting took place in Vienna, Austria. The first day was devoted to a WP5 session whose aim was to discuss and determine the final design and content of the Brownfield Management Best Practice and simultaneously a session on WP3 internet guide on Brownfield Management which will include revitalisation methods and tools. The second day was dedicated to management session. The financial session was attended by the JTS Financial Manager - Ms. Miroslava Stillerova. The wrap-up of the trainings for the brownfield managers was held during the third day of the meetings and finally the BM trainees were awarded their certificates of completion of the training.

LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA 16 - 18 May 2011
A three day COBRAMAN event was hosted by the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. The first day was devoted to COBRAMAN Training seminar „Urban planning and Sustainability”. On the second day a public conference BROWNFIELD REGENERATION was organised. Apart from the presentation of the COBRAMAN project, some interesting examples of successful brownfield regeneration in Slovenia and abroad was presented. A study tour to the Coastal area was organised for COBRAMAN project partners on the afternoon of the conference. On the last day of the event a Steering Committee and sessions focussing on different work packages of COBRAMAN project took place.

KATOWICE, POLAND 7 February 2011
Polish colleagues hosted a one day meeting in February in Katowice. The meeting focused on management issues, such as mid-term evaluation of the results, proposals for improvement of project implementation, discussion on quality of outputs and proposals for preparation of revised time plan for activities. Discussion was also devoted to coming up activities in WP6 the e-learning course and the postgraduate course. With an aim to exchange experience and gain new knowledge at the occasion of the meetings, the participants took the opportunity to learn more about successful cases of revitalization through the presentation of Brownfield revitalization in Silesia region prepared by the Silesian Marshall Office.

STUTTGART, GERMANY 22 - 24 November 2010
Almost 200 participants attended COBRAMAN’s Annual Meeting 2011 and Conference about Brownfield Management in the city hall in Stuttgart. On the first day of the meeting several successful cases of brownfield development were presented, followed by presentations which emphasised the importance of brownfield revitalisation for real estate business. The second day was devoted to cross-fertilisation among different EU-funded projects and to a study tour of Stuttgart’s long lasting experience in developing inner urban underused estates for themselves. Afternoon session included workshop on various aspects of “Brownfield Manager” job profile. The last day concentrated on study courses within European School for Brownfield Redevelopment. With this successful conference the City of Stuttgart managed to reach many different target groups and gave floor for a fruitful exchange of knowledge between private sector, public authorities and research.

USTI NAD LABEM, CZECH REPUBLIC 21 - 22 September 2010
Partners from Ústi i.e. the City Ústi nad Labem hosted a two day training – already the 5th in a row of COBRAMAN training, which was devoted to Communication and Marketing. Most important theoretical issues of communication and marketing were first presented by several experienced experts from different countries. These presentations were followed by presentations of successful examples from different cities, a study tour of Ústi nad Labem brownfield areas, speed dating with experts and workshops.

FERRARA, ITALY 17 - 20 May 2010
The Ferrara meeting marked an important milestone for the COBRAMAN project because the project was approaching a mid term point. Three external evaluators were invited to the meeting in order to get an insiders’ view of the project and to be able to prepare a more accurate midterm evaluation. On Tuesday 18 May, the public event and workshop were held in the beautiful Bonacossi Palace. Keynote stressed the importance of brownfield

UNITED KINGDOM 11 - 17 April 2010
Best practice in brownfield redevelopment field trip to the United Kingdom.
Between February 11th and 17th 2010 members of COBRAMAN project visited United Kingdom. The aim of the excursion was to visit sites of best practice in brownfield redevelopment in different parts of UK and to exchange the experience. Excursion started in Belfast. The presentation of regeneration cases prepared by Belfast City Council was followed by a tour around regeneration projects. The next stop over in the excursion was Reading. A company with over four decades of experience in regeneration (PBA LLP) presented some of its achievements. The following day projects around Medway were presented and discussed about. On the last day participants visited Leeds and were presented with some of the best practices in the area.

OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC 9 - 11 February 2010
On February 9th a COBRAMAN WP3 "Knowledge database" meeting took place in Ostrava. The focus of the meeting was a structure of the database and the database matrix. The meeting was followed by the 3rd COBRAMAN Training Seminar focusing on “Civil engineering and environmental technologies”. The seminar was organised by PP5 VSB University Ostrava.

KRANJ, SLOVENIA 27 - 28 January 2010

An internal meeting of PP6 Kranj, PP9 Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia , lead partner, external expert and associated institution (The City of Ljubljana) took place in Kranj, Slovenia on January 27th and 28th 2010. The issues discussed were related to ongoing activities, e-learning, current situation of the pilot site of PP6 and activities of PP9 and forthcoming events. During the meeting the host partner PP6 Kranj organised the excursion to the pilot site Kranj.

MOST, CZECH REPUBLIC 23 - 26 November 2009

Annual COBRAMAN project meeting was hosted by PP4 City of Most. On the first day COBRAMAN management issues were on the agenda. Second day was devoted to Work Package 5 “Pilot sites”. The sessions were open to the public and made an important contribution to promotion of the COBRAMAN project and its activities. On third day metholodlogical and other issues related to WP 3 "Knowledge database" and WP4 "European school for brownfield managers“ were discussed. These activities were followed by 2nd COBRAMAN Training Seminar which introduced management instruments and tools, held by PP2 City of Stuttgart

BYDGOSZCZ, POLAND 5 - 7 October 2009
Early Fall welcomed the COBRAMAN partners in Bydgoszcz, where colleagues from PP3 The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, leaders of the COBRAMAN WP3 “Knowledge base and decision support” organised a one day workshop. The workshop was followed by the 1st COBRAMAN Brownfield Manager training seminar, organised by PP2 City of Stuttgart.

For getting started properly with the training of the new Brownfield managers there was preparation meeting on WP4 hosted by PP2 City of Stuttgart as leader of this WP. During this meeting the training organisers and future participants of brownfield manager training seminars developed the training plan, contents of training seminars and location and discussed further technical and organisational issues.

KRANJ, SLOVENIA 26 - 28 January 2009
The first meeting of COBRAMAN, which was also a publicly open Kick-off conference, was hosted by PP6 City of Kranj, Slovenia. More than 40 members of all COBRAMAN teams participated at the meeting. First two days were devoted to project issues, such as presentation of partners, work package tasks, contents, responsibilities, as well as project management questions. On the third day the COBRAMAN project, its aims, activities and expected results were presented to a wider public.

Further information about the meetings is available for partners in partner section (project handbook/meetings).











Usti nad Labem


United Kingdom




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