Past event
After COBRAMAN final conference
April 2012
On 16 – 17 April 2012 under the patronage of the Minister of Regional Development the COBRAMAN project has held the official final conference – MANAGING BROWNFILEDS IN THE CITIES marking the coming closure of the project.
During the conference the project partners presented the results of the 3 year long cooperation in the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme. The achieved brownfield results and the redevelopment works that COBRAMAN has been implementing gave way to the panel discussions on brownfield revitalization in Europe, management instruments contamination, brownfield management strategies, education in brownfield development and on transnational project cooperation in general.
The COBRAMAN partners would like to thank all the participants for contributing to the project realization.
For materials from the conference please contact
For the conference presentations visit a conference website ENGLISH / POLISH.

Past event
COBRAMAN Information centre in Kranj
27th of June 2012
We are glad that Information centre is fully operating. Opening ceremony which was held on 17th of May 2012 bring us important contribution for regeneration of degraded areas in city of Kranj. Cobraman info point is the first info point for promotion of brownfield problematic in Slovenia. It is situated at the Railway station Kranj and combines information of brownfield sites in Kranj and Cobraman project with practical use such as free Wi-Fi zone, tourist information, parking for bicycles, trains departures and arrival timetable. As info point was made for public use, we are inviting all visitors of Kranj, as well as investors and citizens, to check it out and try its various functions by themselves.

The CENTRAL EUROPE project COBRAMAN has developed a professional discipline “Brownfield Regeneration Manager” in order to develop and deliver opportunity plans and to steer revitalisation processes. A master course, postgraduate courses and e-learning courses have been set up to support students as well as already employed staff. More information about the results of the project you will find in the final brochure »BROWNFIELD REGENERATION MANAGER, FROM EDUCATION TO PRACTICE«.
We are proud to announce our fifthh NEWSLETTER. We hope you find it interesting.
CABERNET Conference 2012 in Ustron (Poland)
Tuesday 2 - Thursday 4 October 2012
The main conference theme is "Innovative Solutions towards Circular Land Use" and combines aspects of urban land management and degraded land revitalisation. A wide range of practitioners and researchers will share results of international scientific projects, policy approaches and best practice experiences. Trends in innovative land revitalisation and new approaches for public and private sector decision-making will be presented. The conference will also highlight the future of the EU’s cohesion policy under the agenda of EUROPE 2020. MORE ...